2024, this is a busy year for me, and for all the people who are struggled with the bad situation of the international market. After back from Russia, entering the domestic markets may give us more chance to grasp something, yes, we have to do something, try something, then we can find if this is true and shall me continue in the future.
We have been to Shijiazhuang pump fair, Chengdu fair and Beijing fair, what I have realized that we also gain something, at least I can learn more knowledge about products, get more information about our competitors, also I get some new friend in this business line, all the exhibitions makes me more pro and experienced, in the future, I may do better in my area.
We are a factory both run in domestic and international markets, our role decided our mission is not easy, we can not just give up either of them, because in the bad years, we should hold every opportunity around us, instead of the high cost, high danger and high instability of the international market, it’s obvious that we can do more in our own country, and we can use full of our advantages like low cost, safer environment and high stability, and we get some businesses after these fairs, in the future maybe more, we can still working on it.
June is coming soon, the half year ahead is over, we may prepare the rest half year, what should we do and what can we do, this is vital important, recently we may go to Zhengzhou to check what the other markets look like and if we can do something new in some cities new, this is also a big chance for us, after all, China is very big which full of hopes, isn’t it?
Let do it, just now.

Post time: May-29-2024